Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April. Period drama series month. and my Birthday.

After waiting for what seemed like two years for The Bogias to air it finally arrives, my high expectations from Michael Hirst et al were not too high. It was visually amazing, intense and as expected very sexy.
I know the history of the Bogias all too well, and I am excited to see how this new Showtime original series plays it out.
Now if that was enough excitement for my history fanatic eyes, in the same month Starz's Camelot and HBO's Game of Thrones is also gracing my 40-sum inch LCD. I feel like I'm being spoilt!
I thoroughly enjoyed Camelot and am looking forward to Game of Thrones, next sunday, perfect end to my Birthday weekend! Sean Bean is a fantastic actor, loved him in the recent Black Death.
Also this past weekend, in more recent and American history, The Kennedy's aired on Reelz.
Aside from the annoying commercial breaks which made me feel more like I was watching a soap, as apposed to an original drama on the epic event's that happened in the US, mid sixties.
I learnt a lot watching it, as i found myself 'WiKi-ing' each Kennedy to really understand that period.
So many tragedies in one family, but an extremely strong family nevertheless. Makes me wonder if The 48 Laws of Power was in reference to them.

1 comment:

  1. This is without a doubt a month of spoils for all fantasy and period peice lovers, what a birthday treat hollywoods given you! Love it all cutie.
