Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

God save our Queen

Of course I watched the royal wedding, and could not help my feelings of nostalgia towards the country that birthed me.
I love that we still have a monarchy, it a tradition that's makes England unique, and when it comes to a royal wedding tradition is defiantly the prominent word that comes to mind.
Some of those in fact have not changed since our monarchy began. The beautiful costumes and gold carriages are enough to make anyone feel like they are in living fairytale, and everything oh so precise, down to the second, perfection!
I awoke at 3.30am, having not slept much the night before in anticipation on seeing the magic, rubbed my eyes and headed into the kitchen to 'put the kettle on'. Using my best antique windsor china I sat in front of my TV still in my silk PJ's and poured myself a cup of English Breakfast tea, then another, and another as I watched for the next 3 hours almost without blinking, but defiantly fidgeting this historical event take place.
The onlooking crowds, seemed so well behaved and happy, maybe also because the day had been made national holiday, that's reason enough to be happy in itself!
Congratulations to the happy couple and long live the Queen!

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Monday, May 16, 2011

The Music Years...Final part.

Part four.
So to conclude on my own musical analogy and journey, I am now in the present. I've come to the realization, that there are no rules. I need not conform to one genre, one style, or 'pop' music trends. If you are not true to yourself with your music, or your fashion, in any way that is an expression of you for that matter, it will show thru in your art. People will see thru your uncomfortable, unsureness and take you for a fraud.
At the end of the day I write my music from a certain feeling or emotion I'm getting at the time. It's my own release, and I just have to hope my fans love it too.
With that being said, my upcoming EP 'Let Them Eat Cake' is a reflection of that. I experimented a lot, it has been fun, and I loved the results. Every track is a different little piece of me!

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